Wednesday, January 11, 2006








These ten steps will help you achieve your goals in 2006.
1. Make the commitment to reach your goal. "One person with a commitment is worth a hundred who only have an interest." Mary Crowley.

2. Commit yourself to detailed accountability. Record your progress toward your goals every night, and list the six most important things you need to do the next day. Daily discipline is the key to reaching your goals.

3. Build your life on a solid foundation of honesty, character, integrity, trust, love, and loyalty. This foundation will give you an honest shot at reaching any goal you have set properly.

4. Break your intermediate and long-range goals into increments.

5. Be prepared to change.
You can't control the weather, inflation, interest rates, Wall Street, etc. Change your decision to move toward a goal carefully--but be willing to change your direction to get there as conditions and circumstances demand.

6. Share your "give-up" goals
(i.e., give up smoking, being rude, procrastinating, being late, eating too much, etc.) with many people. Chances are excellent they're goingto encourage you.

7. Become a team player.
Remember: You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

8. See the reaching.
In your imagination see yourself receiving that diploma, getting that job or promotion, making that speech, moving into the home of your dreams, achieving that weight-loss goal, etc.

9. Each time you reach a goal your confidence will grow so that you can do bigger and better things.
After accomplishing any goal, record it in your journal, Weekly Planner or Palm Pilot.

10. Remember, what you get by reaching your destination isn't nearly as important as what you become by reaching your goals--what you will become is the winner you were born to be!

Hug Someone You LOVE

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Did I forget to mention that my picture has been displayed for the last at least month in the journal main page...go figure...I was sure it would have been taken down early for scaring the daylights out of AOL members but I am still there....

I have received some really nice emails just to say hi and all...really surprises me...I do not know why but it does....

All is moving along here...still trying to pick myself up by my boot straps and keep positive but I have found it to be a very difficult and long road.

But I refuse to complain right at this moment because I am sure it has bored most of you by I just wanted to say Hi and tell you that I am still alive and I hope to get moving forward with my life soon...taking things one minute at a time!

Hug someone you LOVE


Wednesday, January 4, 2006








Who would allow you to totally ignore, abuse, laugh with, swear at, shed tears on, get angry at and be totally honest with him/her? Your journal does.

Your journal is an unconditional friend. It does not reject, manipulate, judge, laugh at or ridicule you. It’s always there for you. So be honest with your best friend and it will help you discover who you are.

"The positive thing about writing is that you connect with yourself in the deepest way, and that's heaven. You get a chance to know who you are, to know what you think. You begin to have a relationship with your mind."

-- Natalie Goldberg