Sunday, January 30, 2005


It has been a somewhat busy weekend...not that I mind...just busy.
Friday night we went to my parent's house for dinner...My dad called us and wanted us to come over since we had not been there in a while...also we bought him a cellphone so that we would not have to worry about him on the I wanted to get that to him. Of course what is truly priceless is eating a meal my mother makes...Lord I never wanted to leave the table.LOL

It was nice to sit and eat and dad was totally comical which was different for a change...BTW...I did receive a couple of email concerning my father in an entry I wrote a bit I will answer some questions here...He just turned 81 years mom will be 82 in a couple of months...they DEFINITELY do not look their shocks people. My parents were both born in Puerto Rico...and come from very strong ties of strick Roman Catholic backgrounds...this made for an interesting childhood..but I would not really change anything..because looking back on it all...I realize I was spoiled...and my parents did their best to give me the best of everything... My parents are not REAL emotional mom would give us a kiss every morning before leaving for school...we used to say a blessing in spanish in which she would respond...but my dad was not that way at all. He should his love other ways like...getting things you wanted or surprising you with something...or taking us out to dinner or a movie...whatever!!! So like I said in a previous entry...for him to say I LOVE YOU...almost gave me a heart attack..and I will always cherish those words from him. This july my parents will be married 56 years ...WOW... that is so rare to hear...but I love it!!!

Anyway...saturday my daughter had a date...OMG...I did not see this one coming. His name is Roy and he lives just a couple of miles down the highway from us...he is 18 years old and goes to the same high school as my daughter...they ride the bus together. GEEZ!!! Out of the blue, while I was still half asleep my daughter asked me if she could go to his house to watch movies...OMG...the good thing was that his parents were that made me feel better about things. So I gave her a time she had to be home and sure enough he had her here right on time..(WELL..that impressed me). Here is the problem...he is daughter is 15. My hunnie's answer to this dilemna is that she is jailbait and he will see him in jail if anything is so good to be open minded like him...GEEZ!! The other thing is the boy makes her laugh...and that says alot...apparently he held her hand during the movies..(they watched scary movies) and he kissed her when he dropped her off. Of course she had to run in the house and tell me...and I felt the grey hairs multiplying on my head and I think my heart stopped for a few moments. But she was flying on cloud 9 the rest of the day so I guess that is a good thing. Ahhhh young puppy be young again...NOT!!!

I can tell that this is already going to make me crazy...but I refuse to tell her that. She has always told me secrets between us...and I trust her. So I just have to take a few more Valiums and I should be good to go.....LOL

I have been working on my stained glass votives...I think they are nice....but I am still working on my technique...I gave one to my mother and she thought it was that meant alot to me. Now I am making duckies for my daughter's  bathroom..she has a huge mirror in there so she wanted duckies all over it..that child is just not right......LOL
Okay...I think I have printed all the news I can and still keep it G-rated...LOL So you all have a WONDERFUL weekend...stay we will stay cool..and hug someone you love.
Enjoy the story below.....I read this YEARS ago...and my hunnie and I have always done this from the very beginning of our relationshil...those initials speak volumes...I hope you enjoy it!!!!


My grandparents were married for over half a century and played
their own special game from the time they had met each other.

The goal of their game was to write the word "shmily" in a
surprise place for the other to find.  They took turns leaving
"shmily" around the house, and as soon as one of them discovered
it, it was theirturn to hide it once more.

They dragged "shmily" with their fingers through the sugar and
flour containers to await whomever was preparing the next meal.

They smeared it in the dew on the windows overlooking the patio
where my grandma always fed us warm, homemade pudding with blue
food coloring.

"Shmily" was written in the steam left on the mirror after a hot
shower, where it would reappear bath after bath.

At one point, my grandmother even unrolled an entire roll of
toilet paper to leave "shmily" on the very last sheet.

There was no end to the places "shmily" would pop up.

Little notes with "shmily" scribbled hurriedly were found on
dashboards and car seats, or taped to steering wheels.

The notes were stuffed inside shoes and left under pillows.

"Shmily" was written in the dust upon the mantel and traced in
the ashes of the fireplace.

This mysterious word was as much a part of my grandparents'
house as the furniture.

It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my
grandparents' game.  Skepticism has kept me from believing in
true love - one that is pure and enduring.

However, I never doubted my grandparents' relationship.
They had love down pat.

It was more than their flirtatious little games; it was a way of
life.  Their relationship was based on a devotion and passionate
affection which not everyone is lucky enough to experience.

Grandma and Grandpa held hands every chance they could.
They stole kisses as they bumped into each other in their tiny
kitchen.  They finished each other's sentences and shared the
daily crossword puzzle and word jumble.  My grandma whispered to
me about how cute my grandpa was, how handsome and old he had
grown to be.

She claimed that she really knew "how to pick 'em."
Before every meal they bowed their heads and gave thanks,
marveling at their blessings: a wonderful family, good fortune,
and each other.

But there was a dark cloud in my grandparents' lives: my
grandmother had breast cancer.  The disease had first appeared
ten years earlier.  As always, Grandpa was with her every step
of the way.

He comforted her in their yellow room, painted that way so that
she could always be surrounded by sunshine, even when she was
too sick to go outside.

Now the cancer was again attacking her body.  With the help of a
cane and my grandfather's steady hand, they went to church every

But my grandmother grew steadily weaker until, finally, she
could not leave the house anymore.  For a while, Grandpa would
go to church alone, praying to God to watch over his wife.

Then one day, what we all dreaded finally happened.
Grandma was gone.

"Shmily."  It was scrawled in yellow on the pink ribbons
of my Grandmother's funeral bouquet.  As the crowd thinned and
the last mourners turned to leave, my aunts, uncles, cousins and
other family members came forward and gathered around Grandma
one last time.

Grandpa stepped up to my Grandmother's casket, and taking a
shaky breath, he began to sing to her.

Through his tears and grief, the song came, a deep and throaty
lullaby.  Shaking with my own sorrow, I will never forget that

For I knew that although I couldn't begin to fathom the depth
of their love, I had been privileged to witness its unmatched

           S-h-m-i-l-y: See How Much I Love You.

~by Laura Jeanne Allen~

Wednesday, January 26, 2005







I actually got to spend some grand time with my son. Just as a quick reminder--I have twin boys..they are 19 years old (soon 20) lives in South Florida and the other just moved to Tennessee to attend college. The one that went to the one that came for a visit. He looked wonderful...and REALLY helped a great deal around the house. He got the heavy stuff moved to my daughter's room and also...cleaned up stuff that I just could not do myself...alot of ladder work.

Of course we had to spoil him while he was here...I paid him quite abit for all the work he did....I could not believe the changes in the house...we also bought him a cellphone...the one he had ...he had to give back to his aunt...(it does not cover tennessee) so we bought him one like ours that does...that way he is not on the road without help a phone call away. My van (remember that vechicle???) well my son always liked it...well something is up with the just does not run right at he is sending us the money for a new motor and I gave him my van. We also took him to his favorite restaurant and we all oinked was delicious...and alot of fun. Now I took dozens of pics of course...I always do...but my camera decided to die and now I need another will not even upload the pics that I took...I am so devastated...but it figures. It can only happen to me.

He is back in Tennessee now...and I already miss him but he is so happy with the way things are there, that I could not be happier for him...boy is it rough letting go. I think we also bought him some clothing stuffies he needed and a pair of sandals...we are definitely a sandal

The son and daughter got along GREAT this time seeing each other...I think being away from each other makes their hearts grow fonder...and they were inseparable...and so funny. They had me laughing the whole time.

Well right now...that is all the news fit to print...Below is a bit of advise sent to I am sharing it with all of you...


NATURAL HIGHS!!     1. Falling in love.   2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.   3. A hot shower.   4. No lines at the supermarket   5. A special glance.   6. Getting mail   7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.   8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.   9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.   10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.   11. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla or strawberry)!   12. A bubble bath.   13. Giggling.   14. A good conversation.   15. The beach   16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.   17. Laughing at yourself.   19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.   20. Running through sprinklers.   21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.   22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.   23. Laughing at an inside joke.   24. Friends.   25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.   26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to   sleep.   27. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).   28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.   29. Playing with a new puppy.   30. Having someone play with your hair.   31. Sweet dreams.   32. Hot chocolate.   33. Road trips with friends.   34. Swinging on swings.   35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.   36. Making chocolate chip cookies.   37. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.   38. Holding hands with someone you care about.   39. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.   40. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.   41. Watching the sunrise.   42. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.   43. Knowing that somebody misses you.   44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


I guess I will have to just add to my journal when something inspires me...because for the life of me I could not figure out what I wanted to write about all this past week. This block really has me puzzled. If you met me in would know that I can talk up a storm...I am never lost for words. But for some reason I am at a stand still...

Now for today I did have something I wanted to mention...My dad called me last week just to say hello. That is not so unusual...however I could tell his mood was different. Seemed more solemn. We chatted about several things going on...and especially my daughter. My dad has always had a special place for her. He loves all his grandkids and great grandkids...but Because my daughter was born 3 months early and was extremely ill for so long...he has a special place for her...
he wants to make sure that she has a reliable car for when she starts driving. He wants to make sure that she is thinking of her future and planning ahead...he wants to make sure that she has everything she needs.

I keep reminding the old man (my personal nickname for him--of which he loves and will not allow anyone else to use it) that I was born first....and he said he was finished with me...and now it is her turn...well geez!!!
Well at the end of this very long father mentioned that I should really concentrate on my writing and crafting abilities....he said he sees so much talent but does not understand why I do not pursue it all professionally...I used to write some serious articles and poetry and stories way back when...but I let that go...and now the crafts I am doing...he loves it all. My father has never ever told me that......I had my mouth hanging open.... but the more shocking news is that at the end of the phone call my father said "I LOVE YOU"..I could not believe it........he actually said those words to me. My father has NEVER said those words to me in my lifetime. Whenever I have said them to him his response was also God Bless You...but deep down in my heart I always longed to hear those words from him and sure heart is at total peace.

My dad was raised that men do not express their feelings. So he has always been that way all my life...but when I heard those words from him...all I could do after hanging up is cry...I cried for hours...In my house...we say those three great words constantly. I always knew that is what I wanted for my children. But growing up I never had that...I know for a fact that he has not said those words to my brother or sister. But THANK GOD I finally got to hear them. It feels like something has been completed in my life.

I know this must sound so trivial to some of you...or infantile...but to me it means the world. ..Now there I have figured out what to write about and it feels good to see it written down. Thanks for letting me share my story and I hope you all have a FABULOUS friday!!


Sunday, January 16, 2005






Did you ever lose the motivation to write? life seems so dull lately that I truly have nothing to write about...I have been doing ALOT of journal hopping and just love what other people have to say.....but none of it inspired me to write anything...sad but a writer's block. Very fustrating!!

I have been meaning to show this graphic...but it kept slipping my here it is... a very nice tribute!!


okay then....I do have some son who moved to Tennessee will be here next weekend...he has some paperwork to finish up here and he wanted to visit for a couple of days. Also he is going to help move some rooms around for me.... so I am very grateful for the help. He asked me what I was going to make him for dinner his first night home...I told him we would take him out for a steak now he is even more excited...LOL.

Now...the flu has hit my hunnie really bad...he sounds like death warmed over. I feel so bad....but to make matters worse....tonight my head is very stuffy and my chest feels like an elephant is sitting on it. So I think I am in for a rough week...just like him to share the germs...LOL.

Below are some quotes from Martin Luther King Jr....since tomorrow we are enjoying a holiday in his honor....I hope you enjoy it!!!
Have a MARVELOUS monday.

Ten of King’s Quotes

1. If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep
streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed
music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry.  He should sweep streets so
well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say,
here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.

2. Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both
impractical and immoral.  It is impractical because it is a
descending spiral ending in destruction for all.  It is immoral
because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his
understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert.
Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than

3. There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society, with
a large segment of people in that society, who feel that they
have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose.
People who have a stake in their society, protect that society,
but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy

4. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.

5. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
that matter.

6. Ten thousand fools proclaim themselves into obscurity,
while one wise man forgets himself into immortality.

7. All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem
brings us face to face with another problem.

8. The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and
discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and,
therefore, brothers.

9. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.  We have
guided missiles and misguided men.

10. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times
of challenge and controversy.

~Martin Luther King Jr.~


Sunday, January 9, 2005







Well I finally got some serious rest and took some time off from the journaling...I just needed to get reorganized and rejunvenated after all the holiday craziness.

But now...I have time to readjust and start to make plans and such for the new year. Also my daughter has been out of school since December 22 and just went back to school on the I really wanted to spend some fun time with her. All in all everything has been just fine....I think I already mentioned that the car situation has been taken care that is a blessing. The weather as usual in this lovely states changes drastically from one day to the next. One day we are freezing and the next it is 80 and the AC is on. You never know how to dress when you first get up in the morning.

One of my son's has made his move to Tennessee to get settled and start his college career at Crown University. He is going to be studying to become a minister. He is very anxious and a bit nervous and so very ready. It was hard to say good bye because he is no long just a couple of hours away...but I know this a a great move for him.

Slowly but surely I am getting into my crafts and when I am brave enough I just might post some pics of the finished products here...but I am not that brave yet.

Below is just something I wanted to share with all of you...I hope you have a MARVELOUS monday.

The Cost of Kids & Grandkids

I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child,
but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It
Is nice, really nice!

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from
birth to 18 and came up with $160,140.00 for a middle income family.
Talk about sticker shock!That does not even touch college tuition.

But $160,140 is NOT so bad if you break it down. It translates into
$8,896 a year, $741.38 a month, or $171.08 a week. That is a mere
$24.24 a day! Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice says do not have
children if you want to be "rich." It is just the opposite.

What do your get for your $160,140?

Naming rights,--- First, middle, and last!

Glimpses of God everyday.

Giggles under the covers eve! ry night.

More love than your heart can hold.

Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.

Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.

A hand to hold, usually covered with jam.

A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, building sand castles,
and skipping down the sidewalk in the pouring rain.

Someone to laugh yourself silly with no matter what the boss said or
how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140, you never have to grow up.

You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch
lightning bugs, and never stop believing in Santa Claus.

You have an excuse to keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
watching Saturday morning cartoons, going to Disney Land, and wishing
on stars.

You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator
magnets and collect spray painted no! odle wreaths for Christmas,
handprints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward
letters for Father's Day.

For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck.

You get to be a hero just for retrieving a Frisbee off the garage
roof, taking the training wheels off the bike, removing a splinter,
filling a wading pool, coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching
a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat to history to witness the first step, first
word, first bra, first date, and first time behind the wheel. You get
to be immortal.

You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you are
lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren.

You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice,
communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there with God.

You have all the power to heal a booboo, scare away the monsters under
the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them
forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you,
love without counting the cost.