Of course, like everyone else - life has been a bit busy....
All of our shopping was done and over with almost two weeks ago..and this year I even had flowers delivered to my parents and Allen's mom for Christmas.
(They absolutely loved them- yay me for thinking of it - lol)
Unfortunately our son (who is stationed in Kentucky) did not come home...
as a matter of fact...he is most likely getting out of the army VERY SOON...he has done his time...and at this point - I do not think the military career is what he strives for...but I believe he is going to stay in Kentucky - and pursue a firefighter's life - then again - who knows.
Our son (in Japan) will have to wait on his package...every time one of us turned around - we thought of something else to send him...poor kid...he will not have his package for Christmas but he will be loaded with supplies for at least 6 months..(we seem never to do anything simply) kind of drives us crazy. But he knows it - and the building of anticipation is killing him - but he is used to that from us and is never disappointed...lol
We have all our dinner fixins ready to go - we have voted and decided on Turkey again...(because the thanksgiving one was sooooooo good). I cannot wait...Allen will be cooking it up...I just know it will melt in my mouth...yummie!!!
We plan on opening gifts in between breakfast and watching old movies like Miracle on 34th street and a Christmas Carol and so on!!! Then the big dinner!
We even bought the dogs a bag of treats to go crazy on tomorrow...only a couple of them play with toys....the rest would appreciate the treats!
Now on top of all the running around and trying to get everything done...my daughter informs me at the last minute (before school let out for the holidays) that she needed the pictures and a dedication letter from me for her memory page in the yearbook....(this page costs $275) (geez!!!!!!)
So I had to go through all of my digital photos (hundreds and hundreds-if not thousands) and pick out twelve that she wanted surrounding her and write a dedication letter about whatever I wanted to go in the yearbook...it took me 4 hours of tweaking photos to finally get the pics done and sent to walgreens for instant printing...and after a bit - got my thoughts together to write the letter - here it is...let me know what you think...( I know she loves it!!!):
"I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known."
We never knew so much LOVE & JOY could come from having a child.
Your sense of humor and spunk for life and creative thinking amazes us...and your compassion for others makes your heart bigger then most adults we know.
Our pride in you grows daily as does of course our LOVE..if that is at all possible.
You have strong convictions and will fight tooth and nail for your family and friends and those that you care about.
You have a massive soft spot for animals-which shows the depth of your kindness..and you speak your mind no matter what the circumstances or consequences. Showing that you stand strong in your faith and beliefs - that you are a leader and not a follower.
We are very proud to say you are our daughter..and although you are spreading those beautiful wings of yours and going out to claim your life...We wish for you the VERY best of all that life has to offer..
CONGRATULATIONS on your first step to life's opportunities..
Smile always to show kindness to others
Laugh to enjoy the fullness of life
Love to always be filled with unending joy
Dream to strive for the best of everything...
Follow your Dreams - Believe in Yourself - Be You
We Wish You Enough....!!!
We Love You Always -Mom-Dad-Eric-Allen
Well The only thing left to say is this:
From Our Home to Yours...We Wish You A Very Blessed And Beautiful Christmas..May the Reason for the Season - fill your hearts all year long...May true Joy reign and May Love overflow...Enjoy the moments you have with Family and Friends..and May the Memories keep you strong all next year!!!
~~Merry Christmas~~
Oh so sorryo your sons are not home nad that one is not getitng his package. I hope you takes pics opening gifts tomrrow am. It seems to be an awkward yaer it does for holidays I dont know if its just me or what. I hope you have a very blessed holiday and an even better new year.
Hate your sons are not able to be home for Christmas, I know they are there in spirit. {{}}
Merry Christmas.
Hi Ellie,
I loved what you wrote for your Daughter...it was so beautiful!
Wish you could get to see your sons for Christmas....
I hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas.
love ya,
Beautiful dedication.. She knew you could pull it off in a short time! :) Julie Happy, happy holidays!! :) JUlie
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