Saturday, February 26, 2005










I am actually up and writing in my shocked myself...but I wanted to share is not important to anyone but me....but nevertheless. I was woken up by a phone call from Aruba....I do not know anyone who lives in Aruba...that was a first for me. However it turns out that my parents are hanging in Aruba for a couple of days during their cruise. They will not be returning until March 9th. It sounds like they are having a wonderful time....I guess next stop are a couple of south american countries and then mexico..who knows.

Well my father called because they wanted to know how their cat was. They have a long haired blue point Siamese cat. That is their lil pride and joy. Her neck has some sort of infection and they wanted to know how it was doing. Then my father said he wanted to call to see how I was doing. Because I have NEVER missed an opportunity to go to their house and eat my mom's cooking and they knew something must be wrong. I reassured him that the cat is fine and I am ok. When I asked him when was he coming home he told me the I told him to make sure he got me some nice gold from a bracelet or something....he laughed because he knew they were going to miss my birthday and to pacify me is best done with (YES I AM SPOILED)

He said he is collecting a ton of postcards for my daughter.... she collects them. Then he told me that he has picked up shot glasses for my they already took care of the him....but of course I am the hardest to please...teehee. Actually they always come back with some awesome I am fine with all of that. Now on the other hand my hunnie seees this as a grand opportunity to tell him how much my parents love him more then me.... it does THRILL me that my father is so fond of him... they hit it off fromthe beginning...and that meant the world to me... they are really too funny together.

Now as a little side note... I asked my dad how the cruise was in general....of course they are loving it...but he said they have one complaint...and I asked what that was and he said they are on a cruise for senior citizens. He said that everytime you turn a corner there is an old coot. GEEEEZ!!! my parents are 81 years old.... he just cracks me up...I told him that perhaps he was one of the old coots and he said no because he needed a faster cha cha to dance to. LOL Now that sounds like my father....him and my mom LOVE to dance and eat out....always!!!!!

Well after my heart stop pounding so hard (because at first I thought something bad had happened)....we said our goodbyes...and left each other laughing! onto my next son (who lives in Tennessee) is flying down here on wednesday to help me celebrate my birthday...he is my gift...which is the best I could receive. HOWEVER.....he has called every night to explain to me how I am probably getting on in years...and perhaps AGE is getting to me...what a smart ass he is. He wanted to know if I needed any geritol and such....he thinks he is sooooooooo funny. But he did have me laugh.....and that felt great.

Well that was my wake up call and my bedtime calls for the family is just toooo much. Below are a couple of quotes from one of my favorite authors/poets...Thoreau...Have a GRAND weekend all!!!



"The question is not what you look at,
but what you see."
     ~Henry David Thoreau

"To be awake is to be alive."
     ~Thoreau, in Walden

"Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the
fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each."
     ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, February 22, 2005












Someone made me the animation graphic you see at the top of my entry...and I loved it so much I just had to use it right

I know again I disappeared...I really do not mean to...I have just run out of things to say lately...and sleeping almost 24 hours a day does not leave alot of puter time. My life is basically boring. Especially since I am homebound and I am too scared to go out 99% of the time. I know that sounds NUTS to most people...but I am trying to deal with it.

Well enough of my psychotic self...My parents today left for their two week cruise. I am so thrilled for them...they are going around south america and such. I wish I was going with them...but that is long as they enjoy themselves then that is all that matters. They went with a group of friends of I know they are in for a GRAND time...they travel alot with this group and really have insane times. We were invited to go to their house this past daughter is going to feed and take care of their cat and keep their house she had to get her "official" instructions and they wanted to make us dinner and such. Well my anxiety got the best of me and for the first time...I was unable to go to their house. All I could do is cry. I have no idea what is going on inside my head...but it is scaring me. My hunnie and kid went and had a good time and my mother sent back a huge plate of food to I was a happy camper. I am more concerned with them seeing my daughter then me seeing them. I want her to get as much time with them as possible... with my parents being 81...time is very precious.

In 8 days it will officially be my birthday...GEEZ!!! I am ok with birthdays...they have never bothered me...but 45 years old and a prisoner in my own home...just really bothers me. I have one son (the one in Tennessee) who will be arriving at the airport on my birthday to spend a couple of days with I am thrilled. That is a GREAT birthday present in my opinion. The other son who lives in south florida said he would try to get up here but hee may not be able to get off from work...but he cannot stand when his brother does things like that and he can't I just may see him. They are twins and VERY VERY competitive that way.

Okay then...below are some quotes that I thought I would share with you all...Again I am getting tired and need to lay down...I hope whatever is going on...soon passes. Have an AWESOME week everyone...thanks for hanging in there with me.



"Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness."
Oliver Wendell Holmes 

"Hearing is one of the body's five senses. But listening is an art." Frank Tyger   

"In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us."
Flora Edwards 


Monday, February 14, 2005







HELLO one and all!!!...I first want to wish you all a very LOVING Valentine's Day. This is one of my most favorite days of the year...a day set aside that extra LOVE is shown..teehee.
Well...I am still sleeping a GREAT deal...They think it might be a lack of oxygen that my body is getting while I sleep...I am suppose to use oxygen but I have not for a few weeks because I really wanted to get weaned off of most things that I am on...BUT--that was a big say a little prayer for me...that all I need is the oxygen again...because I am so TIRED of sleeping...

Below I thought I would include the meaning of things associated with VALENTINE'S... I hope you all enjoy it...and Have a SUPER LOVING day!!


HEART Emotions are feelings such as love, happiness, anger, or fear. A long time ago, people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. In later years, they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love, and because of this, it is also a symbol of Valentine's Day.  

RED ROSE The rose was a favorite flower of Venus, The Roman goddess of love. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. This is why the red rose is a flower of love.  

LACE Lace is a pretty fabric made by weaving together fine threads. Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs.  If a woman dropped her handkerchief, a man nearby might pick it up and return it to her.  Sometimes a woman might see a man she wanted to meet. She might drop her lace handkerchief on purpose to encourage romance.  Soon people thought of romance when they thought of lace.  They began using paper lace to decorate chocolate boxes and Valentine cards.  

GLOVES Years ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he "asked for her hand." The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love.  

RINGS In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry.  Two or three hundred years ago, Valentine's Day was a popular day for giving an engagement ring. An engagement ring usually had a stone or jewel set in it. Diamonds are common in today's engagement rings.  

LOVE KNOT A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper.  Often, a message was written on the love knot.  The message had no beginning or end. It could be repeated endlessly.  

LOVEBIRDS & DOVES Lovebirds are colorful parrots found in Africa.  Most have red bills.  They are called lovebirds because they sit closely together in pairs.   Doves were thought to be favorite birds of Venus.  They remain with the same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies.  Because these birds are symbols of loyalty and love, they are also symbols of Valentine's Day.  

CUPID Son of Venus, goddess of love.  He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.


Monday, February 7, 2005


Yes I am here finally but to be totally honest...I really have nothing to say. The only thing is that I have been sleeping my life away. I know that the medications are suppose to subdue me so that my lungs do not work so hard....BUT..I really thought after all this time..(over 5 years) that I would have built a tolerance...but it only seems to be getting worse. Sleeping my life away is not always a good thing...but enough of least I managed to stay up long enough to watch the SUPERBOWL. I thought the game was great... lots of fun...and I am very happy for the PATRIOTS...

I came across a site that you can have the president speak for your journal or whatever.... so here is a look at what President Bush had to say about my journal:

Now that is pretty cool...I did not think he had time to read my journal...but I am impressed......LOL
The weather here has stayed quite cool....strange for the sunshine state.
The daughter dating thingy is still going on.....I still have not met this boy....but hopefully we get to meet him this weekend. Again she went to his house to watch scary movies...and she had a nice far so good...things are staying innocent.

Okay then...... I do hope you all have a GRAND week...I am hoping to write more sometime this week..... I just need to find some sort of motivation...or just the impulse to do something other than sleep.
