Tuesday, January 6, 2004


Well I guess I am off to a rotten start in keeping any kind of new year's resolutions. I really thought I would hold out longer-LOL. Okay--first I want to wish you all a very very Happy Three Wisemen Day. My family is spanish and we have always celebrated this holiday...this is truly our christmas. I remember growing up and spending about 6 weeks every winter in Puerto Rico during the Christmas holidays... of course we would not exchange gifts until Jan. 6th. The legend there goes that you put a bit of hay under your bed and a bowl of water. This is so you are offering food and water to the camels that are carrying the Three Wisemen to see the baby Jesus. In the morning the hay would be eaten and the water bowl dry...and you would find gifts loaded under your bed..these gifts were left by the three wisemen to thank you for taking care of their camels. I always loved that tradition...I used to do it with my kids-but now it does not go so easy with the hay thing--but in our house we very much still celebrate the holiday. Growing up we never took down christmas decorations until after the 6th. I have such great memories of those times. So I do hope that today especially brings you many special blessings. Okay...still life is getting way too chaotic here-the kids finally went back to school today--THANK GOD. I love having my kids around but it seemed that this winter vacation was going on forever. We are still down to just my puter so my time has been very limited on it-which is bumming me out. Also believe it or not--we still DO NOT have a working vechicle. This has been insane and trying to fix a car to make it road worthy is not an easy task. It really has taken a toll at our house but hopefully (fingers crossed) by the end of the week-something will come together. Alright I do not want to bore you all with tooo many of my sob stories all at once but it felt great getting it off my chest. I hope to catch you all later- PEACE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember this day!!! I was telling someone about it the other day. I was trying to remember more details but, my memory was fading on this. I lived in Spain at the time and they celebrate three wise men day. It was so cool when I was there and learned about this tradition. Thanks for sharing.