Monday, January 12, 2004


Yes...I am here...okay then...before I forget to say this-I know that a couple of people have asked about getting animated pics on their journals--I think I do have directions finally to do that. If you want them PLEASE email me and I will send them to you...if you have any questions....PLEASE feel free to email me again and I will help you out as much as I can. WHEW--that is a relief-I have been meaning to write that message for awhile now and I keep forgetting. Believe it or not-the car saga has not ended-we are still trying to get one car on the road. It has been an incredibly LONG process and expensive..and I think it has added a great deal of stress on our household. ANYHOW... Have I mentioned yet that my mother suffers from ALZHEIMER'S. It has taken quite the toll on my father and has basically destroyed what a GREAT marriage they had and has really fallen on my shoulders because my mother only talks to me. Of course when she is "lucid" she is great-the mom I remember-but then there are times that she becomes EXTREMEMLY paranoid and angry and nasty and then I have to play referee. Well some things came to a head this past week- my father was more then grouchy and took his frustrations out on me--so of course my hunnie became ticked off and decided to settle things and then pointed out to my father that my mom has been calling me accusing my dad of remarrying and how she wants me to follow him and so on and so forth. My father said he had no idea all this was hunnie said for him to open his eyes and figure out what is going on in his own has been really terrible for me to be in the middle and trying to make everyone feel ok and I just cannot do it anymore. So this new year has started off with some spice...I know it has got to get better---LOL well more on the sagas later-PEACE!!!


Anonymous said...

I feel for you as I know that your moms condition is a strain on the relationship with your Dad and has to have an affect with the hubby. My prayers are with you john

Anonymous said...

Prayers and thoughts are with you! I hope all works out, I know this isn't an easy time for you.
