Friday, February 27, 2004
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Monday, February 23, 2004
The best kind of surprise........ I know you all remember that last september I became a grandmother for the first breaks my heart that I have not been able to physically see her yet but hopefully daughter as a wonderful surprise email me the MOST recent pic of my baby. WOW was I thrilled. She must look like her daddy because I do not see my daughter in her-except maybe the nose. She is just too cute... I think her hair color is changing which just cracks me up but I don't know why. The impish grin definitely melts my heart. So I just wanted to share my joy with all of you.
Today it seemed like the day went on forever. The weather is changing way too drastically here and now again my daughter is really sick with high fevers and all. I wish it would just settle down-the weekend was so chilly that we had the heat on and today was so HOT that we are the AC on. I think my own body is confused. Tomorrow we are suppose to meet a trucker lady that is taking the first two pups. She is way too excited but I think that is grand. So tomorrow they are going for their first car ride...then on friday she picks them up permanently. They just started solid food yesterday so I think they should have a couple of days to get used to it. Well it is time to feed the pups so I will check in later-PEACE!!
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Last night was just toooo funny. My hunnie got his cpu back finally from the puter techs. Well he was loading up all his music that he was saving and started playing some wonderful old songs from the 50's and 60's. Well Hunnie and I started dancing in our seats...singing along, the lil one-Anthony started dancing in the room for us. It was just hysterical. We must have done this for about an hour. Laughing and dancing and singing along. Now that was a nice family night. Now our kids are very used to doing this because that is how we raised them. Well Anthony has fallen right into the same mode and we all love it. He has absolutely no inhibitions which I think is grand. More good news is that the three puppies that are left are really doing well. They are now wobbling-trying to walk. WAY TOO CUTE. In a couple of days I will take their pics and show you all how much they have grown...we have also found homes for all of them-which is a great relief. Two have been named. One male will be called Cujo (now that says alot) and a female will be called Sammy Jewel. So we bought collars for them and have been using them names all the time so that they get used to them. Okay enough cuteness...right now I am watching my favorite show-Law & Order and smelling a wonderful candle that my son bought for me today. It is heavenly--what a good heart the kid has-he definitely knows how to make mom happy..LOL Well I will stop the slobbering here and get back to my show. Enjoy the evening--PEACE!!!
Monday, February 9, 2004
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Monday, February 2, 2004
WOW--that was truly a exciting superbowl game. I am a football fanatic and that game kept me on the edge of my seat starting half way through the 2nd quarter until the last 4 seconds. CONGRATS--out to the New England Partriots. Yesterday I thought I was in heaven with all of the football pre game shows and analysis and so on...I was getting high on football overload... now I just have to hang on until next august to get my next fix. (LOL) Anyone else see the half time show... Janet Jackson showed way toooo much for me. Personally I do not think it was all that appropriate because of all the young kids watching..along with the guy who was tackled when he started streaking. It really was never a dull moment. That game is going down in history books. Of course we pigged out on buffalo hot wings...and soda and chips and dips...and it was a great way to spend time with the family. Now there was a major blow out between one of my sons and my sister in law. It was really bad and got physical and now alot of hurt feelings are going around... hopefully after a few days of cooling off everyone could come together in some sort of compromise. Have a mentioned yet that the weather has been absolutely lousy here...rain rain rain and that icky cloudy look along with alot of fog. Just makes for a miserable day. Okay...I have to go play referee again so I will end this madness here and return later...Oh BTW...Happy Ground Hog's Day.... he saw his shadow-6 more weeks of winter..ugh! PEACE!!!!!!