Monday, February 9, 2004


Sorry folks.... I am still here... to bring you all up to date-the inmate that escaped was caught less then 48 hours later getting picked up by his girlfriend at a mall. Well that is all the excitement I think the prison can It has been a rough bit of a I told you all-one of our dogs had puppies...well this past weekend 3 pups died. We have no idea why-or what is going on with them. It broke my heart to hold them until their time was up. We tried everything-but nothing worked. It was a terrible thing to go through and we all were broken hearted- hopefully the last three will survive. Also big changes took place with my sister in law (who lives with us). Much to my shock and surprise-she showed up friday afternoon after a day of running around and handed me a month's mortgage payment. I could not believe it. She said she wanted to help and take a lil of the pressure off of us. (because we are two months behind). I could not believe it. I was SHOCKED. I am still shocked. I have no idea what got into her or why she was so generous but it was a great surprise coming from her. WOW- God really does work in mysterious ways. She also paid off her car, so that is a huge amount of pressure off of her. She even had money left over to get her car abit upgraded with some special lil things. I am really happy for her and it seems at least for now that she is trying to get herself together. So as you can see it has been a definite rollercoaster here at the old homestead. BTW**Lanny** thanks for worrying-it is nice to know that others care!!! Okay I guess this covers all the major news happening here- oh BTW I was thinking of starting a journal of inspirational poems, stories, quotes and such that are sent to me or that I find around.... I already run a newsletter like that but I thought I would make a journal of it...what do you all think? Okay... gotta go check on the pups..PEACE!!!!


Anonymous said...

****WOW- God really does work in mysterious ways.

I don't know how many times I've said that myself. I'm glad some pressure has been taken off of your shoulders. My prayers are with you.
Smilin Mon

Anonymous said...

It is great she sees to help. john