Sunday, February 22, 2004


This weekend went by all too fast for me...just when I started relaxing it is already time to get things going. Have I mentioned yet that I am obsessed with taking pictures with my digital camera. My hunnie bought me a Kodak DC4330. I absolutely love it. This lil camera is so cool that it also takes short time video. WOW...I am amazed. If I ever figured out how to upload the video and send it to others I will let you know. There is a setting that you can take pics of moving objects and the objects are not a smeared memory. It really is awesome. I am hoping that the flowers start blooming so that I can take more pics. Inside the house no one is safe from my camera. But by now everyone just expects me to show up taking some cute snapshots of everyone. I really cannot get enough. Now I know I have mentioned before that I have a photoblog at another site...but I thought I would mention it again for those of you that have never seen it.... It is pretty cool-at least to me... it is called MY POINT OF VIEW if you go please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it. Now I have started another journal which is totally different from this one- it is an inspirational journal that will include poems, quotles, stories or suggestions of websites that have touched my heart and soul and hopefully will do the same for you... PLEASE stop by there and again-leave a message and tell me what you think about it. It is called ANGELS HAVE TOUCHED MY HEART Well I am going to go watch the finals of the show so until we meet again--PEACE!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm also obsessed with my digital camera & take pictures of everything and's funny but now that I have one I have no idea how I lived without one for so long!

Anonymous said...

Nice journal...i hope you get your camera up and is really alot of fun....

Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean. I have a $1500 Canon 35mm camera in the closet collecting dust while my little digital almost always stays in my purse for quick use. They're so much fun & so easy. You've got a great looking journal & congrats on making the Top Five list. ~Holly

Anonymous said...

The pups are adoreable.I have a journal also.I wanted to knwo if you can how did you get those gifs on your page .I been trying to fina away to spice my page up .

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed the pictures you have a wonderful eye for the camera the flowers are incredible.