Sunday, December 19, 2004







I really do not have much to say...I am totally stressed by the holidays...I have good reason. I sent my hunnie to picked up some things at a HUGE flea market we have a couple of towns away. They sell mostly new things...I really have never seen used stuff for sale..I love the can find anything and everything there. Anyway..He went right after work. I knew he would be a couple of hours at least...(it is about a 45 minute drive from our house).

Well He called around 1:00 and said he was heading home and got everything we needed from there. However 2:30-3:00 started rolling around and I was getting extremely worried. Just as I was worrying..he called...the car overheated. Now if you have been keeping up with my lil life here...You know that we ALWAYS have trouble with cars. To make a long story took him over 4 hours to get home..and he thinks he blew the engine. NOW I AM WORRIED. So we have no car..and tons of shopping left to do.

He could not go to work last way to get there. It just happens to be our luck...nothing ever goes right with cars. So Now I have no idea what we are going to my stress level has gone above and beyond what I can handle.

Well enough of my problems... I have included a lil pic to bring a smile to everyone's face...I thought it was funny and cute...

You all have a SENSATIONAL sunday.



Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing. Its murphys law. never fails. I sure hope it s not as bad as you think. wish I could do something hun!!!!!! Lori

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your car.

love the photo with the polar bear.  lol


Anonymous said...

Your luck runs right along with mine!!! I am gonna pray that something comes along to help your family out of the spot it is in.....Don't give up....send up a prayer.....

Anonymous said...

Same here!! cars are just sometimes more of an agro because they cost a arm and a leg to repair!!  Hope you start having more luck - brilliant polar bear pictures - im a sucker for any type of bear. merry christmas.  ayse

Anonymous said...

Hope the car trouble will work itself out. I can understand why you are stressing about that. Yup, that is one funny penguin. Hope the polar bear will find it amusing. Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ellie, I hope the car isn't as bad as he thinks.  We have older cars here too and I've dealt with a fair share of break downs, not fun ... especially this time of the year.  I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.
