Monday, December 1, 2003


Finally the holiday is over and all has returned to normal more or less. I really thought this thanksgiving was going to be quiet but I was wrong. My hunnie's daughter from his first marriage came for the holiday.... she is 15 years old....and a delight to have around...I just love this child. Well my hunnie had to drive down south to pick her up...about a 3 hour trip. While he was down there-his sister asked him to fix her van.(his sister and mother live near by the daughter). Well one thing turned into another and the van could not get fixed totally because the sister bought the WRONG parts. So he told him when he brings his daughter back he will fix it but she needs to get the right parts... LONG story short again wrong parts were bought... return trip that should have taken no more then 8 hours turned into 36 hours and AGAIN our vehicle had to also be repaired while he was down there...something about the universal joints...but don't ask me.... I was too worried about them. Again another adventure concerning cars and it is slowly driving me crazy. BTW--the sister's van got fixed and so did hunnie's truck. But it all just made the holiday end in insanity. As for Thanksgiving itself...we had a GRAND time together....lots and lots of eating and picture taking and FUN and laughs and tons of hugs and more was PERFECT. I hope everyone else's holiday was grand also. More later----PEACE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Despite the car problems it sounds like it was a great Thanksgiving. Hope you share the pictures later. BTW, if you get a chance check out my Thanksgiving entry ~ A HAPPY Thanksgiving. I have a few pictures included. :) Oh, glad the cars are all running now!
Smilin Mon

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great THanksgiving...sounds like your hubby needs to make a trip to Maryland...we could use his vehicle expertise :)

Anonymous said...

aaahhhh, the stuff they bring with them. Makes us wonder at times. But usually they make it up to us. I have a teen girl too. Tell me how frustrated you are with the clothing thing. Is it just here? or do you have one of those too?? She's driving me nuts!!

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

This Holiday is NOT over yet!!!! I still haven't had my leftover turkey sandwich!!! ohhhhh, but after reading Tami's journal, Maybe I better forget that for now. Glad you had a good one :) Lanny

Anonymous said...

Where is Ellie? Come out, come out where ever you are!!! Missing you here.