Monday, October 25, 2004


WOW...for me the weekend just flew by...I can't believe it. At least I got to watch some great football and play on the puter so for me... it was good...LOL

Okay today we have to try and make the registration for my daughter official. The home schooling department needs to take her off their "books" so we can get all this done. She has had the whole weekend to think about all of this--and now she is getting nervous. SHEESH!! Today after calls to the home ed dept and making this official...her dad is going to take her out to breakfast and then to get her hair cut and pick up some "cool" school supplies. So that should make her feel grand! Well more on that saga has the day progresses.

My hunnie surprised me and took the night off from we spent some fun time last night. He had me laughing and being totally goofy. I think we both needed that. Have I mentioned yet that it is time for the first batch of puppies to go....they are now on destruction mode, driving me nuts. I never thought just three lil pups could cause so much chaos. I think my hunnie said that he has homes for that is a relief. When they are leaving is still not known.

I think I have almost caught up on all my journal least I am pretty sure...gosh I have no idea...well then I should be off to read some more. Sorry this entry was so boring...I think I am coming across a total brain freeze and cannot think of what to say. But if you met me in person...... I seem not to be able to shut up.... go figure!

Well Happy Monday all.......PEACE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a happy Monday to you too!  Had those brain freezes myself and they pass hahaha Glad you had a good relaxing weekend. Hugs Lanny