Monday, April 16, 2007


What a crazy week or so....first of course I told you all that my son surprised us with a visit right before Easter...I also told you all that he and my hunnie went down south to visit a very sick Aunt....well that was a bust because they could not meet up with her...however...I said they were on their way back...but of course what happens to us as always...our car broke down....GEEEEEZZ!!!!!! I just could not believe it....they had to get my hunnie's brother to bring them back here without our car and then hunnie and Eric quick fixed (which it still needs work) the blazer to go tow our car back home...if it is not one thing with us it is another....
The bad news is that our car now needs a motor...I am NOT a happy camper. But what else is new. Then as the week went along...Crystalyn became sick fast...a cold hit her like a ton of bricks...she wound up missing two days of school...on friday, Eric went to her school in uniform to pick her up early so that he could say Hi to his old teachers and Crystalyn could show him off sort of speak...they had a nice time.
Then as they were at the other son AJ called to say he was flying home...he has about 4 days of R&R coming to him and he is heading home...OMG...what a GREAT other surprise. So at least everyone would be here for one night together...AJ arrived friday evening and saturday afternoon Eric had to fly back to Arizona... So I could up the courage and we ALL went out for was grand....Golly--my boys can pack food away...and they are thin as rails. Well after eating we came home and Eric had to pack his stuff in the car to leave....AJ and Crystalyn took him to the airport...tears and hugs went was more painful this time to see him leave. It is getting more and more difficult to have them come home and leave again. The rest of the weekend...AJ and Crystalyn went crazy doing things like going to the beach and riding go-karts and shopping. Today AJ drove Crystalyn to school and it was his turn to say Hi to everyone and such...AJ leaves at 6 am tomorrow morning..what a whirlwind of a week....I will share pictures next time...just too tired to upload everything.

Just as a side note...the weather has been insane here...first too hot to even be outside and yesterday and today...chilly and windy...I wish it would make up its' mind.
Well that is about it for now.....HUG someone you LOVE...



Anonymous said...

heck we never get hot here like we should agian this week they have promised a slow warm up....... Iwish they woudl shut up they did that last week and it snowed adn for three days we have had 30 -40 mph winds with the whle weekend being a cold 30's and rian!!!!!!  sorry to hear about your hunny and the car. It if aint one thing its another!!!!!!! I tell you what it can drive one insane life can

Anonymous said...

wonderful surprises with your boys being home. sorry about your car needing a motor. i know it sucks when you don't have one. our transmission went and it took us months to get another vehicle, but it was worth the wait, I love my mini van. I hope your weather gets better. Ours sucks, nasty winds, pouring rain all day yesterday and this morning woke up to snow, now it's raining again. Isn't it spring? Have a good monday. ((((hugs))))))

Anonymous said...

SOunds like you had a great week!!! SO happy to hear that you and all of the family went out to eat together...AWESOME!!!
love ya,