Wednesday, November 5, 2003


I know this can be a sensitive subject to some but for me it is VERY confusing. I know that one day I will be a mother in law..I hope I am a tenth of what my mom is..she is just so accepting and welcomes all with open arms..but it seems I do not have that kind of luck. Now my hunnie's mom is nice but she really turned me off when she from the onset treated my daughter differently then the boys. I am a true believer that you can do anything to me-I can take it...but NEVER EVER hurt my child. I would have to WHOOP some booty. Well my hunnie has truly gone off on his mother for the differences that she makes between the kids but now she does things in a subtle way...really burns me up. I am extremely vocal- I definitely speak my mind and have no problem doing it...but OUT OF RESPECT for my hunnie I am VERY respectful of his mother. My parents raised me right. The problem is now she is emailing me these lil messages of "let's be friends" and I am not in the mood to appease her. I think after all these years I have bent over backwards so far and so many times that now I am dizzy and my back hurts. My mother always said "Kill them with Kindness" but she only manipulates that. When my siblings and their families were going to meet my hunnie and the boys for the first time...they threw a party to welcome them to the family and what a bash it was... I just love my family for being so supportive in whatever I do and whomever I am with... but his family is just not that way. After I met his family for the first time..I called his sister to thank her for being so kind and wonderful while we were there... she told me I had no right saying that because I did not know her well enough. LORD- I cannot win for losing. I think they plan on coming here for the holidays... have I mentioned that throws me into a crisis... what a way to spoil the best season of the year. Well I am sure I will more to say about this soon..just wanted to get the ball rolling...PEACE!!!


Anonymous said...

I can relate ... from past experiences. Luckily my sweet man has a wonderful loving family that welcomed me with open arms. :) I'm always eager to spend more time with them.
Smilin Mon :)

Anonymous said...


I have been truely blessed by my inlaws, Yes we have our differances, but who doesnt? I have always been loved and welcomed by my husbands family,unfortunatly this is hardly ever the case! Keep us posted. We love you! :)