Thursday, April 27, 2006







SOME GREAT NEWS....we received an email from the company commander where my son AJ is stationed...and he said that my son passed a make up pft test so he is graduating. YAYAYAYAYAY...I am so very happy and proud of my hunnie and my other son will be heading there next wednesday (i think)..for a couple of day is family day and then the graduation and then they get shipped to their next training center. Hopefully hunnie will take some grand pics of the whole thing and I will share them here as soon as they get home. It is all a huge relief for everyone, I am sure for my son also ... we have not heard from him but I know he has got to be thrilled. my hunnie has been going fishing with a couple of friends that used to work at the prison where he is...They usually go on saturdays...late night. I am so glad my hunnie is involved in it...I think fishing is a great outlet to just relax and chill. So Here is a pic of the first time he went out...he came home at around 3 in the morning.....happy as all get out.

That is a 15 pound Black Drum....I have never heard of a black drum until that night. After he was done cutting and gutting...we had enough fish for three is delicious. The darn thing is so big it did not even fit inside our large cooler..

I hope he goes as often as possible...he really loves to fish...and these people he went with are super nice and happy go lucky.

Well honestly I do not have anything else to write about...nothing interesting going on... Nothing is going on. Kind of moving in slow motion lately...not getting much done...but what else is new?
Take Care all....Remember to DREAM BIG.



Anonymous said...

Wow yall are the first people I know to eat oone of those. Most people I know throw them back.

Anonymous said...

Congrats for your son!!!

What a huge fish!!  I had never heard of that kind before.


Anonymous said...

congrats for your son and that is a big whopper of a fish

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellie,

You are one fantastic woman.  I am so grateful to read your links.  You may have problems with anxiety but believe me you are a wonderful person who writes some very interesting stories about your life.

I look forward to reading every posting.  Keep on writing as I am sure you are contributing to making friends some you will never meet.
I know I am one of them.

Love to you and your wonderful family.