Friday, October 10, 2003


Allen has a great love of life and is highly dedicated to his family...we come first and foremost and are the only things on his mind...He has been in law enforcement for the last 18 years and only has 8 years left...that is when we plan on hopping on a motorcycle and travelling the states... going through the smokey mountains and just enjoying time with each other. Allen is definitely a big kid at heart and has a wonderful way of looking at life. The only thing that got me through the roughest times so far with my illness and the law suit was Allen-his strength and perseverance was never ending. He is a motor fool.... if he sees a car or motor he just has to play and fix and get down and dirty, but I realy do not mind...because both our hobbies always surround being at home and doing things with our kids. Everything we do we do with our kids...if our kids are not involved we are not involved and it has been a wonderful way to raise a family. He is the first to jump outside to do the family dance and definitely loves to embarass us all every chance just to get us to laugh- at first I thought I would never get over this but it is contagious and so fun to act so crazy. He really has made all my dreams come true and tries his best to make sure I always have a smile on my face. What a great way to live 24/7. Our kids also have the same philosophy- so if you are a friend of theirs you have to expect to be just as crazy and carefree as us.... it works in keeping a family together in such a negative world around us.I just wanted to share a small insight to this great man of mine...True Love Makes All Things Wonderful-PEACE!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you have a wonderful husband . It does make life so grand when you have your soul mate by your side. I enjoyed seeing the pic of you and your family. Also Thanks for your comments on my journal. No I havent yet figured out how to put the animated pics on my site yet, also wondering how you put your pics right on the journal entry like that, I can only get the small clips through the photo album. I will get this one day!

Tami- Tami'sTimes