Sunday, October 26, 2003


At least this weekend I did not totally waste it away....I actually got something done. I am so proud of myself. I worked on my nephew's webpages...because he has been so into having his own finally I have completed some pages. I still have to work on  some but at least it is up and running...PLEASE check it out for yourself ANTHONY'S PLACE. He is just way too excited for a five year old having a website...but whatever makes him happy makes me happy. I just could not sleep all night. Too much on my mind..too much to figure out. So I thought instead of just sitting there and letting my mind go crazy I would do something positive. I think today I will go out and take some serious pics of whatever tickles my fancy and see what I can come up with. I absolutely love my digital camera...that is another thing my hunnie bought for me to keep me busy and pursue since now I have to stay home.. he knows I love to take pictures of anything and everything so a digital camera fit the bill. It is a kodak dc4330 or something like that...the pics come out awesome and it even takes a short video if I want... just too many toy buttons to play with. If I take pics of anything interesting I will definitely post it here for all to see... at least that is my plan for now. Remember to turn your clocks back an hour.... wow I gained an hour of time and did not have to do anything-feels great...LOL..also of course I have to mention a bit of something about sports.... I was born and raised in the beautiful state of New York... It will always remain in my heart...but I have lived in the sunshine state for about 18 years now. Well the baseball world series just confused me because I really did not know who to cheer for... so I am so sorry will always be first in my all were the first baseball game I ever saw in person growing was awesome-but CONGRATS you Florida MARLINS.... I guess the sunshine state just might swipe all the big games this year afterall...Have a great sunday-PEACE!!!


Anonymous said...

Anthony's site is too precious!!! Such a good aunt to help him with that. :)
Smilin Mon

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well. I have stopped in from time to time but I'm not able to read your comments. I wonder why? Anyway, I thought I'd stop in and say hi. Take care.


Anonymous said...

I went to anthonys site, its was soo cute. Also just so you know, I click the email lick to email Anthony and it said it was an unknown memeber...something for you to check out. I still cant figure out how you put those cool animations on here!

Anonymous said...

Anthony's Place is really cool! He must be so proud!!