Saturday, August 9, 2003


WOW...another week has bitten the dust. Not much to talk about from my end. Allen Jr went for some job interviews, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that he gets something. Eric had alot of errands to run and of course he begged me to use my van... boy that child just has to show me those eyes of his pouty and I would give him the world. But don't tell him. Crystalyn and Anthony straightened out her room (I just about had a heart attack) and Anthony was so proud that he could figure out how to use the vaccum cleaner. I bought her new posters for her room and she is really starting to pull her room together. We are slowly changing the look from a lil girl to a teenage girl.  She has gone for that 60's look and really it is coming along great... when it is all done I will take a pic and post it here. We bought her a bunk bed but the bottom part is a futon sofa... and the top is a definite bed... it really looks wonderful in her room and the bed sheet set is in that 60's psychedelic look...lots of bright colors and all. She got a new bean bag chair with the same pattern which is perfect and the posters she picked out are 3-d type. The room is really nice. I wish I had a room like that when I was growing up. Allen woke up with a vicious headache so he slept alot longer then usual today. Once he gets one of those headaches he just cannot function. Of course the typical storms came through so that prevented any online time.Well nothing more really has happened... Just another day in the neighborhood... today I tried to write and be creative but I am kind of in a stuck mode so not much gone done there. I am working on my scrapbook albums for xmas presents so they are coming along nicely ... I just have to get alot more done on them.

Hope I did not bore anyone at this point. Peace!!!!!

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