Tuesday, September 2, 2003


Slowly but surely I think I am getting the hang of using this journal. I know I have missed a couple of days-sorry about that folks but everyone here is sick-yes the dreaded flu has hit my household and it is wiping everyone out. I have had to chance to look at other journals/blogs online and I would say that mine has got to be one of the most colorful for sure. Anyway... the holiday weekend has come and gone and besides the house being sick-finally Allen jr (one son) got a job that I think he really likes. The other son went job hunting yesterday in the dreaded heat and passed out at a store at the local mall from heat exhaustion. He was gone for over 7 hours ( I knew something was wrong). But today he seems to be recovering, still has a headache tho. Well he has a habit of aging me quickly. Have I mentioned yet that I belong and run several online lists... different kinds. Some are inspirational and some are artistic creative. I have alot of creative energy- I always have and if I do not keep the creative juices going I really become lost. So I guess they are my outlet.  I will be adding links to them soon so that you all may have the opportunity to check them out and see what they are all about.  Homeschooling is going well here. A bit slow on the cooperation but I figure it will take my two out of three kids to adjust and just see how far they can test their limits. Well I will be back later.... it seems I have an unending job of going through my email. PEACE!!!!

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