Friday, September 26, 2003


Yes I disappearred for a couple of days...have been quite sick and still trying to recover...kidney infections are not something I wish on anyone...very painful. But I think the worst of it is over. Other than that, it has been a typical week in our merry lil household. Kids busy doing their own things, zoo causing chaos in the house, and hunnie and I hiding in the puter room away from everything..LOL. I really look forward to the weather cooling off a bit-the humidity seems to be hanging in the late in the season. It is suppose to rain all weekend long-UGH! Which means the kids will probably be more in the house then out. Have I mentioned yet that now both my sons have their driver's license. One son has had it since august but the other one just got it two days ago. Lordy watch out on those roads. I will say that both boys think our vechicles are their pleasure to drive in-I DON'T THINK SO!!! It has come as a shock to both of them-however these are also the two that have a couple of cars each sitting in my it seems it is not so much fun having a vechicle and working on it and pouring money into it when there are other vechicles that run perfectly-boy were they surprised when their dad and I announced get your own car on the road, register it, get insurance for it and then you will have something to drive. They looked at us like we had 12 heads each- A look only a mother could love-and a lesson they were not ready to learn. Well hopefully this weekend will be a run of the mill weekend...I could sure use the rest. PEACE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

interesting your journal being number 1 on the picks list...

Anonymous said...

What did you mean by that? to idiot7daysoftheweek.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Made me wonder, too. My *constructive* response, in case you're interested, idiot7daysaweek, is here:

And by the way, Ellie, congratz on being chosen. I love your color scheme and you seem like a truly nice person.

Anonymous said...

wow! great Glow/journal--you are right in the middle of it now. the boys will learn
quickly that Driving is a privilege, not a 'god=given right". And a big responsibility, moreover. I'm sure they'll get it. Love them anyway as you always do... check you later

Anonymous said...

congratulations on #1!!! you have such a great blog! :)!!! -*-Kayleen-*-

Anonymous said...

Congradulations on number one. I wonder how they choose? Anyhow I just started on mine the other day, If you want a soap opera come there, LOL any how I will keep up with yours for some sense of normalcy. Congrats again.

Anonymous said...

I ve been following with your blog, u sound like a really cool mom! Keep writin!