Thursday, September 4, 2003


I guess it is about time for me to mention that I am going to be a GRANDMOTHER. I actually cannot believe it.... I never thought I would ever be saying those words before the age of 65 but I am. My oldest daughter from my first marriage (she was the best part of the package) who is very much grown up and has been out on her own.... is going to give birth this month to a girl.... yes she already knows the gender of the child and is due definitely by the 27th if not earlier. I have alot of mixed emotions because I guess most importantly I don't know what a grandmother is suppose to do. I am thrilled, worried, excited, anxious, and again THRILLED. I will save mentioning the baby's name until after she has arrived.... My daughter states she is ready to pop....too funny. The part that saddens me the most is that my daughter lives far away... and there is just no way that I can be there with her... but she has figured out that she is bringing her cell phone with her to the hospital and I will have mind with me at all times and then she will call me when she is in the labor room so that I can be there in voice and spirit. Her and her fiance are planning to come down here so that I can visit with my new grandbaby- just TOO EXCITING. Now the only thing left to deal with is what do I want to be called. I think Grandma is pretty much too common so I am trying to think of something new and different. If anyone has a suggestion-I am open to ideas. Of course the promise of TONS of pics was given so as soon as I get any I will definitely be posting them right here for all the world to see. WOW- I am going to be a GRANDMOTHER.  PEACE!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellie, this is such awesome news. I am so excited for you. As for not knowing what a grandmother is supposed to do, well my dear, trust me it comes naturally to you.
As for what you want to be called, it won't matter what you pick, that little one will call you what she wants to call you. Thus my being Grammy to two of my grandchildren and Grandma to the other two. lol
Can't wait to see pics. Tell that little mama congrats!!!!!!
And a great big huge congrats to you!!!!
Love ya